Image of ~*Emerald Vibrations*~ Image of ~*Emerald Vibrations*~ Image of ~*Emerald Vibrations*~ Image of ~*Emerald Vibrations*~ Image of ~*Emerald Vibrations*~

~*Emerald Vibrations*~


*Revitalizing Refreshments 🌿~inspired by the seasonal transitions~Emerald Light✨!✨Beaded leather earrings ~fading through a range of green vibrations ~ flowing like our own pulse~ swelling and release~ like our precious breath ~ rising and falling~ the green life to come~ the green life resting in a meditative hibernation, curling and bending into all its parts, all its formations and movement~ making space for deep trance and new vision~ channeling the brilliance they are going to blossom<~ ✨ feeling it all~ recieving the rest required to open every day ✨🌿✨~*~ cowrie shells connecting to our water inheritance ,~ our ancestor portals of communication and clarity ✨our Womb giving life and receiving the vision ~